Sunday, June 14, 2015

Culture in Spain

Who knew life could be so different 5000 miles away from home? I know that sounds cliché, but like seriously. I guess I’ve always heard of how life in some places is like: “Oh you walk everywhere”, “People drink beer for breakfast”, “The scenery is sooo different than what you’re used to”, etc.; but I guess I have never really been able to grasp what 'a different lifestyle' is like until my rocket ship landed in Spain.

Alright so first off: I think I can confidently say I speak Spanish fluently. Like I usually take people by surprise when I bust out that Español (impressive right?). But anyways, yeah. Speaking to people here keeps me on my toes. Some people here can talk really fast. It’s impressive. Overall, the way people speak is not necessarily different. But as I said, some people can talk really fast. That’s when our other bilingual buddy picks up with the translating. Carlos comes in whenever I can’t figure out how to translate “connect the working electrode to the steel reinforcement bar and the control electrode to the wire mesh. Translating Chemistry in another language is not the most basic process.

Communicating with people here is so exciting. I get to participate in people’s lives here in Spain. Too cool. Pre-trip, I was honestly pretty nervous that the Spanish would be too different. Really though, other than a few in-a-hurry waiters, communication feels pretty normal and at ease. I’m not going to lie though… in the lab, I have definitely learned a lot of new science words in Spanish. Overall, it is great to be able to talk to people from this area. To hear the stories from my neighbors 5000 miles away.

The people and the way-of-life here is also so different than what I am used to in Tejas. People here seem more sociable. It’s very easy to have conversations with random people. People actually try to talk to you on elevators here. It’s like whoa. Honestly though, the people here are just normal people like you and me. Just observing a different culture, however, is so interesting. Another unique thing that stands out about Spain, compared to America, is the way-of-life. Everything seems so much more relaxed. Like, we get to work at nine. Then like all of our mentors just drop everything around ten for a forty-five minute coffee break. Too chill. Everything kind of feels timeless in Spain; but that’s probably because life is totally different right now living here. Either way, I get relaxed vibes from Spain. 

I guess that is sort of how the culture differs here. Life doesn’t seem corporate. Like I’ve been here two weeks now and I have only seen one Burger King… and it was in a tourist area. Not gonna lie though I did hit that BK up. The culture here seems sort of ‘be free’, in a way. Do what you have to do, but don’t sweat yourself while doing it. Our lab mentors are way laid back; but they still invent and design such advanced technologies. Outside of work, every night is a late night here in Spain. Like seriously though dinner at midnight isn’t abnormal. I actually just pulled sort of an all-nighter while typing this section of blog so I can now say I’ve seen a sunrise in Spain. In the states, streets usually start getting packed around six in the morning. Here the streets are dead at six in the morning. Life kind of picks up a little later here in Valencia. That is probably what I like most about this culture.

So to say the least: I love being immersed in this Spanish culture. So far, I really do not think I have encountered any major cultural problems. Except, of course, when I have to ask someone to repeat themselves like three times. But that happens. Overall, I think life in Valencia is super cool. Currently we are wrapping up week two. I am excited to see what the coming weeks bring. Maybe I’ll visit that tall triangle tower in Paris.

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